Conventional vs Natural

During my research, I found this video to be profound but also so, so simple and true.  But often times we end up just taking conventional medicine as absolute truth.  We, as people, consumers, patients, etc. need to always ask, "Well, is this the best, or is this just the current norm, in terms of my overall health and long term victory over this health problem?"  I encourage you to ask yourself AND your doctor these things.

Anyway, here is the video that should open your eyes very wide to the reality of how important it is to question the conventional approach, and look at the origins of foot problems, and what can be done to help reverse the problems. *If you have trouble viewing the video from your mobile device, please switch over to the desktop view for now - I have a ticket in with Google about the video frame not showing in the mobile environment. 

For more info from this amazing Podiatrist, please feel free to visit his website.  And here is the link for the article he read that changed his professional life as a podiatrist forever.  


  1. Hi Shane.

    I want to thank you for writing this website. I came across it today after a post you made in a forum discussing Mortons Neuroma, which I am suffering from. I have just watched the video you mention and it was like a light bulb came on. I am now super excited to get cracking on my own natural treatment, to throw away my badly fitting shoes and invest in some proper footwear that will bring me good health to my poor abused feet.

    Keep up the good work :)

  2. Thank you for sharing your story. I have Mortons Neuroma and have been struggling with conventional treatment because I have been nursing. Thank you for giving me some hope that I can run again!

    1. Hi Ruth,
      Glad you found this info! I have not, for obvious reasons, dealt with MN from the side of a nursing mother, but the general story is the same - review the most natural and common sense options first. The toe spring, shoe width, high heels, etc. I have faith you'll overcome!



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